Keeping the tradition alive! Below is a recount of 25 moments from the last year to celebrate my 25th birthday (in mostly chronological order). I am filled with gratitude. Thanks to everyone who has been a part of this wild and wonderful journey.
Finding treasure & enjoying all the little moments in-between. Those moments are after all, the majority of our existence...
Solid lady scramble in the Tetons. Nothing like an aesthetic summit to make spirits soar...
Running The Rut. See my blog post from last year for more insight. :)
Followed by a lady visit on the east side. Canoeing + mountains = awesome.
Photo: Beau Fredlund
Superb scrambling/running adventure with Beau just before the Churchill departure. Glacier National Park is truly something else...
Another incredible season in Churchill with Polar Bears International. There is always so much to learn and see. The Arctic has and always will capture my heart.
Dove right back into Montana life with a dip in the boiling river en route to my new home in Cooke City.
Got a day on the ice in with Caroline & Rob during the Bozeman Ice Festival. Always nice to get out and swing some tools! Frozen waterfalls are cool.
Beau & I were fortunate to have lots of great visitors this winter. Thanks to Brody & Alyssa, Nick, Emily & Pat, Pat & Hilary, Noah, Varney, Totem & Truax, and anyone else I've forgotten. What a wonderful winter.
Yurtski shenanigans with David Powder Steele, Brody Leven, Bobby Jahrig, Rachel Delacour, and Tyler Swank. Too much fun. Check out the video.
Beau and I had one of our best days all winter on a new route in January. It was wild to be able to ski safely in such high consequence terrain so early in the season. 2014/2015 will go down in the books for it's stable conditions. Wild winter....
I was fortunate to get to hang with the Patagonia crew at the Beartooth Powder Guides cabin and yurt in March. Thanks for letting me tag along to capture the experience.
Convinced my dad to come visit and do some backcountry skiing this winter! We hadn't skied in the backcountry together since I was a kiddo skinning up the side-country at Bridger Bowl. He had so much fun that he got a dynafit setup and came back multiple times.
Had the good fortune to visit Slovenia on a ski trip with a lady crew. Lips zipped until the story comes out. Stay tuned.
Really enjoyed working with Adventurers & Scientists for Conservation this year. It was a privilege to collect their first fresh water micro plastics samples in Slovenia & Italy.
Oh Mose...Thank you for your kindness and hospitality. Occasionally you meet people that you know you will be friends with forever. Mose is one of those people for me. Namaste amico.
Photo: Beau Fredlund
Went on an Electric Peak adventure with Beau in the spring. Double thumbs up.
And ventured to Glacier Peak... a peak I have been reading about and dreaming about since I was in high school.
One of the most fun and most rewarding projects I got to be involved in this year was in my own backyard. It was such a treat to join Keely's Camp for a 3 day backcountry skiing trip with 6 teenage girls. The photos captured are some of my favorites of the year. Props to Keely and co-instructor Linsday Mann. Passing the torch.
The deeper you get. The deeper you get.
PNW trip with the boys & my first experience skiing volcanos ever! The tick list has grown...
Work and life often blur together for me— which is wonderful, I absolutely love it. In June however my grandparents treated me to a real vacation! We spent 5 days in Cape Cod and I didn't work at all. It was amazing... and jumping into the Atlantic Ocean with my 79 year old grandpa was pretty amazing too.
Polar Bears International asked if I could come up and assist with a live beluga whale boat camera installation this summer. It was incredible to see the whales and the unique Subarctic ecosystem in its summer glory. Thanks PBI!
Jeanette... the woman who taught me about spirit food. #dontwakethesleepinggiants
After another incredible lap around the sun I woke to a dusting of snow on my 25th birthday— the perfect present from mother N. So grateful for such a wonderful journey with such wonderful friends. Love to you all.